Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to How to Master Curriculum Development for Your Courses and Workshops Like a Pro!

    • Welcome to How to Master Curriculum Development for Your Courses and Workshops Like a Pro

    • Before we begin...

  • 2

    Craft Tailored Course and Workshop Solutions for Your Unique Audience

    • Why People Buy Online Courses and Join Workshops

    • How to Find Your Really Helpful Online Education Topic

    • Find Your Audience Burning Desire

  • 3

    How to Develop Your Effective Transformational Course Outline

    • How Understanding The Learning Process Will Help You Develop a Transformational Course Outline

    • How to Use A Mind Map to Effectively Identify the Steps in Your Course Outline

    • How to Create Your Effective Workshop or Course Outline

  • 4

    How to Create a Simple and Effective Storyboard for Your Online Course

    • How to Create Your Simple and Effective Storyboard

    • Steps to Crafting an Effective Course and Workshop for Optimal Learning Experiences

  • 5

    Next Steps...

    • Congrats! Here's what's next...

    • More resources for you

    • Before you go...