Course curriculum

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    Welcome to the course!

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    How to grow your business with an online course in 8 weeks or less

    • Module 1: The Idea Clarification

    • Bonus lesson from my Flagship Course: How To Find Your Really Helpful Online Education Topic

    • Module 2: The Content Creation

    • Module 3: LMS Production

    • Module 4: Launch and relaunch

    • Bonus lesson from my flagship course: How To Get Your Online Course Ready For Your Beta Launch

    • Test your learning

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    Next Steps...

    • Congrats! Here's what's next...

    • More resources for you

    • Before you go...

Your Instructor

Course Creator & Business Coach

Sophie H Higgins

Sophie LOVES learning.

Based on her experience, she firmly believes learning is the path to personal well-being and freedom for the greatest number. The purpose of a well-crafted online course is to provide an empowering and transformative learning experience for the learner. Sophie has 3 Master's Degrees and more than 20 years of experience in the education industry, teaching writing, visual arts, and as a learning consultant with unique expertise in improving learning outcomes for students.

She always tries to see the learning experience through the eyes of the learner because of her early experiences with students who had a hard time learning. The positive results from this approach were very significant, and Sophie has written 5 textbooks based on the results from her practical experience combined with best practices and an evidence-based approach.

Over the years, she has helped more than 10,000 students improve their learning outcomes and helped more than 1,000 teachers enhance their instructional design and make data-informed decisions. As a freelance consultant, Sophie has coached leadership teams in an evidence-based approach to teaching, leadership, and organizational development. She also applied this knowledge into action running educational institutions in Denmark.

In 2019, Sophie followed her heart and dream of an entrepreneurial lifestyle and moved to the US with her husband. She has started a successful coaching business in the US, providing online course creation services to experts. Since Sophie launched her coaching business in the US in 2020, she has helped more than 20 experts build successful online courses. Sophie is very excited about assisting experts in bringing out their unique knowledge and helping them create meaningful AND profitable online courses, and helping them live the life of their dreams.